Server General Info Organized community board that includes every need of a player Gatekeeper service manager buffer free and easy certification system for subclass too donations blacksmith
Server General Info Organized community board that includes every need of a player Gatekeeper service manager buffer free and easy certification system for subclass too donations blacksmith included and more Service Manager that provides all type of needs to every player GMShop warehouse AugmentingSymbol maker Removal of Attribute and more Safe enchant 6 max 20 Blessed Enchant 90 with Ancient Scrolls you have 10 to Enchant 18 to 20 without destroy the item if the scroll fail Rank System Rank System with 42 different Ranks allows you to be more competitive on the server and will make you get more PvP Assist Coins depending on wich Rank you are
EXP | 100x |
Party XP | +0% |
SP | 100x |
Drop | 10x |
Spoil | 10x |
Adena | 100x |
Quest | 1x |
Manor | 1x |
Hellbound | 1x |
Boxes (per IP) | 1 |